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Standing Rules

Amendment to approve membership dues and office of Treasurer- Adopted March 4, 2019

Amendments on Guidelines for volunteer work and fundraising – Adopted - May 14, 2019

Membership:  To be eligible for membership a person must pay annual dues.  Membership status is required to vote in the annual officer elections or to vote on any item brought to the membership that requires membership approval.  Membership approved use of membership dues to reimburse expenses incurred by WGG Officers/Executive Committee for WGG business (vote taken with unanimous approval at WGG Meeting, June 3, 2019) 

Executive Committee is composed of officers and three at-large members who are recruited on a volunteer basis from the general membership. This committee meets as needed. 

The Annual Meeting is held in December each year, at which time the members elect officers for the new calendar year and vote on any matters that require membership approval. 

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the president two months before the Annual Meeting. The committee is composed of three (3) WGG members who are not current office holders. The committee will call for officer nominations by the members four weeks before the Annual Meeting. Two weeks before the meeting, the Nominating Committee will present the slate of officers to WGG membership to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. 

Term of Office is one year to begin on January 1st following the election at the Annual Meeting. Currently there are no term limits. 

WGG Meetings are held once a month (usually on the 1st Monday of each month). During election years monthly meetings are suspended (typically June through November) to allow for volunteer workdays.

Audio or Video Taping is not allowed at WGG meetings without the advance approval of the Executive Committee.  This rule protects our members’ privacy.


Guidelines for WGG volunteer work: The WGG organization commits to recruit volunteers from its membership for the Travis County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign from June through election day (WGG Work Days) during each election cycle.  There is no requirement for WGG members to participate.

Organizations who need volunteers for a project (labor) may make a request to the President/WGG Executive Committee or a WGG member to inform the membership of a volunteer opportunity.  WGG members, individually, choose to sign up for any opportunities offered. 

Guidelines for WGG Fundraising:  The WGG organization does not have a fundraising arm:  either to raise money for the WGG organization or to raise money for other organizations, candidates or causes. The WGG organization does not lend its name to other entities to label any of their projects as “WGG projects” or to fundraise using the WGG name.  Each WGG member, individually, may choose to participate in fundraising and/or contribute to any organization, candidate or cause. 

Guidelines for Supporting Candidates: WGG supports and works for candidates who reflect our progressive values. However: 

1) During the primary election cycle (which includes runoff elections): 

a) as an organization, WGG will not endorse any candidate;

b) WGG members agree to refrain from using the WGG email list or Facebook page to endorse candidates;  

c) candidates are requested to limit posts to our Facebook page to announcements and information about events.

2) During the general election cycle WGG supports and works for the party nominees. 

Individual members are free to support and work for any candidate of their choice during any phase of an election cycle.

Protocol for candidates attending WGG meetings:

1) Only candidates invited to participate in a WGG candidate forum may distribute their campaign literature at a WGG meeting. 

2) All candidates, including invited forum participants and those who attend as visitors, may actively campaign at the adjournment of meetings. 

3) No yard signs are allowed into the venue.

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