July 7, 2024: Our guest speakers: Katy Shchamder, TDP Organizing Director; James Murphy, Executive Director, TCDP, and Representative Donna Howard.
June 3, 2024: Our guest speaker was Professor Elissa Steglich, Co-Director & Clinical Professor Immigration Clinic.
May 6, 2024: Professor Tara Grove, UT School of Law: Focus - US Supreme Court and Deputy Director Carisa Lopez, Texas Freedom Network
March 4, 2024: Nancy Thompson, Mothers for Democracy and Ash Hall, Texas ACLU
January 8, 2024: Pooja Sethi, Candidate for TCDP Chair; Tx Representative Carl Sherman, Candidate for US Senate; and TX Senator Roland Gutierrez, Candidate for US Senate
December 4, 2023: December's annual holiday get-together attracted lots of members. Elected to the 2024 Board were Mary Patrick, president; Barbara Mason, Vice President; Kelley Bowen, Secretary, and Lorraine Broll, Treasurer.
Also attending were Reps. Donna Howard and Gina Hinajosa and representatives of Reps. Lulu Flores and Vikki Goodwon. Celia Israel, candidate for Travis County's Tax Assessor/Voter Registrar, also attended.
November 6, 2023: Travis Country Sheriff Sally Hernandez spoke at the meeting as did Laura Hernandez and Jess Robertson from CTX Votes.
September 11, 2023: Carl Jones, left, with the Texas Rural Democrats, and Jose Garza, Travis County District Attorney, were speakers at WGG's meeting.
July 10, 2023: Travis County Clerk Dyana Limon-Mercado and Tax Assessor-Collector and Voter Registrar Bruce Elfant were speakers.
October 2, 2023: WGG's meeting featured Travis County District Clerk Velva Price and Tony Plohetski, an investigative journalist with the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE-TV.
July 1, 2023: U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett was our speaker.
December 2022: State Rep. Celia Israel presented Mary Patrick with a Legislature’s document honoring her for her exceptional record of civic engagement and her dedicated service as president of Women for Good Government. From left are Rep. Lulu Flores, Celia, Mary, Rep. Vikki Goodwin and Rep. Gina Hinojosa.

Upcoming Meeting
WGG will NOT hold our Monday AM monthly meetings in September, October and November. We will be volunteering at the TCDP CC HQ.