About Us
Women for Good Government actively impacts public opinion and legislation.
We obtain information about pertinent issues from speakers and, as individuals, by attending hearings and events. We share information in meetings and through social media. Members are encouraged to advocate for progressive legislation through letters to elected officials and news media.
We support candidates by scheduling forums and debates. And during
election years, our members and their friends work at least two days a week for five to six months at the Travis County Democratic coordinated campaign headquarters. Our “behind the scenes” work in direct support of our candidates includes:
preparing campaign material for volunteer and paid canvassers to distribute
organizing and putting together materials for mailing projects
writing and addressing postcards in support of issues and candidates
and other projects as needed
WGG routinely donates thousands of volunteer hours to the Travis County Democratic Party, the Texas Democratic Party and other entities that share our values and request our assistance.
We also successfully encourage members to register voters and serve as election-day judges and clerks.
We advocate for progressive values, progressive solutions to problems and specifically, the promotion of:
Universal health care;
Free high quality public education and access to quality affordable higher education
Economic opportunities - a living wage and equal pay for equal work
Protection of our air and water
See 2018 Coordinated Campaign on the Photo tab for more photos of WGG members and volunteers working in several rooms.
On December 5, 2022, the Texas House of Representatives honored our President Mary Patrick for having “distinguished herself through her exceptional record of civic engagement in Central Texas.” The Resolution was presented by State Rep. Celia Israel. The Resolution also praised WGG members for their work.
Women for Good Government was honored at the 2021 Anne McAfee Awards ceremony for the thousands of volunteer hours members spend during election years. Accepting were, from left, President Mary Patrick, Treasurer Lorraine Broll, Executive Committee Member Susan Thomson and Vice President Kathi Miller.
Women for Good Government was recognized by the Travis County Democratic Party for winning the Democratic Club Challenge for most volunteer hours during the 2014 and 2016 election cycles.
2022 was an election year that returned to nearly normal for Women for Good Government volunteers. With the covid pandemic becoming less of a threat, more than 50 volunteers and friends returned to working in-person at Travis County Democratic Party offices and the Beto headquarters.
They accomplished at least 2,332.5 hours for the TCDP, Texas Democratic Party, Blue Action Democrats, Beto for Texas, Ground Game Texas and for many individual candidates. As in previous years, those included:
Working the TDP’s Voter Protection/Voter Assistance Hotline shifts to receive calls from all over the state with questions about voter registration, Vote By Mail applications and ballots, and voting locations. Also, they called to remind voters to register and vote.
Doing voter registration
Writing postcards and sticking addresses and stamps on them
“Lit dropping”: block-walking door-to-door throughout neighborhoods to hang election information on doors
Bundling documents in bags for door-to-door literature dropping
Making phone bank calls for candidates,
Stuffing documents into campaign envelopes
Delivering campaign yard signs
WGG President Mary Patrick was honored in 2015 at the Travis County Democratic Party's annual Trio of Stars, recognizing three women who have made outstanding contributions to the county's civic life. Presenting her award are TCDP Chair Jan Soifer and Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector Bruce Elfant. To read Mary's outstanding acceptance speech, CLICK HERE.
Mike Siegel, candidate for the 10th Congressional District in 2018, honored WGG for its assistance to his campaign.