We are Women for Good Government (WGG)
Women for Good Government (WGG) began organizing in 2005 in Austin with goals of encouraging progressive public policies and facilitating their adoption through political action.
Today, WGG, including men as members, is one of the largest and most active political organizations in Travis County. We continue to support progressive values, inviting speakers and political candidates to share their plans to advance those policies. Then we actively volunteer to provide the hands-on work necessary to elect progressive candidates.
About our Upcoming Meeting:
Monday, August 5th: Representative Goodwin will speak from 10:15 -11:00 am. Glen Maxey will speak at 11:00 am with news about volunteer opportunity: voter registration card mailout.
Upcoming Meeting
WGG will NOT hold our Monday AM monthly meetings in September, October or November. We will be volunteering at the TCDP CC HQ.
(Usually first Monday of the Month)